Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How this all got Started

This is a post I wrote the first Time I tried to start this blog. I have come a long way since I wrote this, but I think it still has some relevance.

I have never thought of myself as a very religious person. I was raised Missouri Synod Lutheran, but left the church after confirmation. I have always believed in God, but have always thought of organized religion as a way for people to impose their beliefs, on others. Growing up in the south, I saw a lot of people who called themselves Christians and yet judged others for not having the same beliefs, or condemned others for not following the church imposed rules or who went to church every Sunday but lived every other day of the week without a thought or mention of God. I have seen the bible interpreted in many different ways, most of which for a persons own interest. All of this convinced me that I was better off on my own then in an organized religion. As I grew older, got married and had a child, I realized that it was not enough and that I needed something more in my life. Luckily, I found a church that is headed on the same journey that I am on. That journey is to find out what Jesus wants us to be in this world and to do it. It means not going to church, but being the church. For me, this has stirred up a lot of questions about what it really means to live a Christian life and to follow Jesus.

I am not talking about switching to an all Christian Music station or adding Wednesday to my worship schedule and carrying around a bible everywhere I go. I am talking about trying to do what the bible tells us to do. I am talking about what it means to follow Jesus everyday, not just Sunday. What does that look like in the 21st century and is it realistic?

I am doing this blog for two reasons; 1) It is a way to hold myself accountable. It is a lot harder to give up on something if there are people watching. 2) I know that there are others out there that are struggling with the same things I am. I hope that we can help each other on this journey. I guess there is really a third reason, and that is that I have this need or this feeling that I need to do something. Some would say it is a calling. I am not sure, but I need to do something, and this is something I know how to do.

Finally, I know that a lot of what I plan to say here will be controversial. I don’t mean it to be, but in the process of trying to figure things out, sometimes you have to head in a direction that not many agree with. Since this is a journey with out a map, I am sure I will touch on all areas of faith, life, and religion. I hope you get something out of it too, but if not, just keep an open mind.