Monday, June 16, 2008


They always say that if you want to see God's work up close and in person, be there for the birth of a child. This was my second and I have to say that it was just as powerful as the first. When you see something like that, to me there is no question that there has to be some intelligence involved and it all just didn't start from a big bang in the middle of no where. Don't get me wrong, I believe that there is some truth to evolution as well, but some how it all must work together.

After the birth my older son, got to hold his new brother and it hit me more then ever that these kids are really God's children and he is entrusting us with them for a short period of time. It is our job to instill in them a desire to know more about God and to follow Jesus. This is the only way we can prepare them for the world and the perils that free will, will bring. What an amazing and awesome responsibility.

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