Monday, June 16, 2008

Rainbows and Promises

Here is a "God Moment" for you.

On the evening Simon (my new son) was born, Andrew (my oldest son, 9) and I were on our way home from the hospital. I was very anxious and a little leary leaving my wife and new son, but the hospital had a rule about under aged visitors staying over night, so we had to head home for the evening. The weather was a bit stormy and it had been raining most of the day. Andrew and I were talking about the days events as we drove home. I had just mentioned that I was still very nervous that something would go wrong and Andrew had this reply - He said, "Dad I'm not worried at all. I have been praying to God and he would not let anything happen." As he said that we came around a bluff and there in front of us was the most beautiful rainbow we had ever seen. It had the deepest of colors and was the first full rainbow I had seen. You could see the start and the finish and it arched perfectly over the road we were driving. As soon as I saw it, I knew that Andrew was right and this was a sign from God that everything was going to be ok. We pulled off the road and grabed the camera. We both stood in the rain to what and I took some pictures. We got back in the car and continued our journey home and the Rainbow stayed with us until we reached our destination. It was almost as amazing as witnesing the birth that had just occured earlier that day. I will never forget that conversation and that view. (The picture doesn't do it justice)

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