Monday, March 24, 2008

Breath of God

Here is another trick for starting a habit of being with God. I got this from a pastor friend and it does add some inspiration. For this, you need to be a coffee lover or some other hot drink.

Here we go:
Start your day by grabbing a hot cup of coffee. Find a nice comfortable chair in a quiet spot and bring your Bible or devotional book or maybe just your imagination. Get yourself comfortable and hold your hot beverage in your hands and breath in the steam. Pretend that this is the Breath of God and soak it in. Once you are calm and ready read from the Bible, do a devotional, or just meditate. End by breathing in the breath of God.

I find that this is a great way to spend some time building my relationship with God and just get some time to reflect.

Let me know what little habits you get into.

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