Monday, January 7, 2008

Extra-Curricular Activities

Here is a question for you - Would you take your son or daughter out of school for one week to go on a mission trip? Most peoples first reaction is, can't it be done on a weekend or during the summer? Most of us feel that school is very important and should not be messed with. But, how important is Jesus and should we be messing with him? Don't get me wrong I don't mean running off every other week to do mission work, but if an opportunity came up would you consider it or just say it can't be done.

What about if the coach of your son's baseball team tells you that he is moving practice to Sunday morning? Do you find a way to make it happen even if it means missing church or do you tell the coach he can't make because he has church?

I have to admit that this is an area where I have trouble. I would have a hard time pulling my son out of school. And I have on occasion missed church because of some extra-curricular activity.

I believe that God gives us opportunities and that we should take them even if it means missing church or school on occasion. Like everything else it should be all things in moderation. But I do think that our culture is such that Jesus is the extra-curricular activity and everything else is the important stuff. How do we change it, how do we make Jesus the most important thing? Because if we don't as parents, then our kids won't and we will just continue the culture as it is or it might even get worse..

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