Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Survey of the Unchurched

USA Today has published a poll taken by Lifeway, the research arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, of US adults who do not attend church. This survey mimics many of those taken over the last few years that in essence say that most unchurched have a high view of Jesus and a low view of Christians and the church. Below are some of the highlights from this particular survey and here is a link to the USA Today Page.

Most of the unchurched (86%) say they believe they can have a "good relationship with God without belonging to a church." And 79% say "Christianity today is more about organized religion than loving God and loving people."

"These outsiders are making a clear comment that churches are not getting through on the two greatest commandments," to love God and love your neighbor, says Scott McConnell, associate director of LifeWay Research. "When they look at churches … they don't see people living out the faith."

But despite respondents' critical views of organized religion, Stetzer is optimistic. He cites the finding that 78% would "be willing to listen" to someone tell "what he or she believed about Christianity."

They already know believers — 89% of the unchurched have at least one close friend who is Christian, Stetzer noted.

And 71% agreed that "believing in Jesus makes a positive difference in a person's life."

Could this be because in most cases the people going to church are more worried about the process and not the relationships? Why do we spend so many hours in committees planning changes and discussing carpet color and who went to communion down the isle? Why don't we spend more time building our relationship with God and then our neighbors? I bet if we did, the results of this survey would be different.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

reminds me of a fave quote that is stuck to the back of my car..."I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
Mohandas Gandhi

I agree it is not about the color of the carpet, but for me it gets me to thinking about what are we as Christians DOING, like what do people actually see? Is my life, my actions, speaking and saying what God would have me say? Or do I act like a judgemental, ego-centered know it all? I am guilty of the latter and working on the former.

Glad to find you - meet you.