Monday, January 7, 2008

What does Success look like?

As I said in an earlier post, I am big on goals. Over the last few days I have tried to figure our what is my goal for following Christ? Why do I or should I want this so bad? Why am I working so hard to figure out the path when I don't even really know what the goal is?

I was listening to a Mars Hill Podcast with guest speaker Don Miller who has a book out called Blue Like Jazz. He was describing his view that our lives are like movie scripts that God is writing. He said that screen writers like to start with the climatic scene in the movie (the goal) and then go back and write how the characters got their. So what we need to do is figure out what our climactic scene is and then write how we get there. He says that for some the scene is not one that God would appreciate, like getting a new Volvo. But for him, and he believes, for most of us the climactic scene in our lives should be when we meet God and he says to us "Job well Done, Good and Faithful Servant." I like that. I think that is what I want for my climatic scene. In other words this is what success looks like. Now I just have to figure out how to get there.

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